Beyond the eyes….

is the reflection of a soul

Final Moment April 28, 2009

Filed under: thoughts — stef1000 @ 5:14 pm

If you were at the brink of your death, how would you spend your last moment on earth?


I am standing near to the door of transition

To the untold stories and unknown lands

Of lingering souls that never come back

A one way door


I am holding my last breath to see the frail world for one last time

Start to love the life I was hating yesterday

And see the beauty that comes along with misery


I am stepping into the door of transition

To the untold stories and unknown lands

Of lingering souls that never come back

A one way door


I am staring at your face as my eyes opened for one last time

See a smile that hides unspoken voice of your mind

I simply smile back as things slowly turn into black



Looking Into the Past March 26, 2009

Filed under: thoughts — stef1000 @ 2:55 pm

Lord, you are such an expert in slipping the unexpected twists into life.


Stop March 6, 2009

Filed under: thoughts,wandering — stef1000 @ 1:14 am

It was Monday morning, 2nd March 2009,  in Nanyang Technological University. A professor was rushed to a hospital due to stabbing injuries. A boy called David was found dead on the ground. The media has speculated some stories since then. Yet, nobody knows the real truth. But, have you ever imagined how David would feel to see false stories about him in newspapers and TV stations?





The world tells a story that I never hear

In just one instance. Bam.

I am shut in a room without a door

Without a chance to speak up.


Would you believe me if I tell you the truth?

Would you stand on my side and fight all the lies?

Open up your heart

And you will find the answer in a whisper.


The clock keeps ticking and day changes to night.

The story goes on. Damn.

I am trapped behind a thick glass wall that

Nobody can hear my voice.


Would you believe me if I tell you the truth?

Would you tell the whole world to stop this madness?

Open up your heart

And you will find the answer in a whisper.


I am waiting for

The world to



An Inspiring Quote February 25, 2009

Filed under: thoughts — stef1000 @ 10:00 pm


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain


This quote somehow reminded me about the story of a woman whom I share significant part of my life with. She told me that she has always wanted to be a fashion designer since young. I can see the burning passion, the sparks on her eyes, every time she is done with one piece. Her works are really fine, although she has never taken any formal education in fashion. Too bad nobody supports her mentally and financially. With additional pressure from her surrounding, she has then spent her life in a mediocre way: study, find a job, get married, be a housewife. Wasting away her talent. It is a sad story indeed and I don’t want to see another tragedy happens. I DON’T WANNA SEE MY LIFE WASTED!


-burning with passion-


In whose hands is our money? January 7, 2009

Filed under: thoughts — stef1000 @ 9:32 pm

It started off in a MSN conversation with one Indonesian girl. I was gloomy and all with uncertainties of the future as I am about to graduate a few months away from now. As the conversation went on, this sentence came out of her mind.

F: neng~, rezeki itu udah ada yang ngatur . tinggal kita usaha ajah, sesuai sama hati kita bilangnya apa.

(F: miss~, money is in the hands of God. We just need to make our effort, just follow what our hearts say)

To be honest, I somewhat disagree with this opinion. To me, God does not allocate how much money everyone on earth earns. Think about it. If He does, I pity those people who live under poverty. If God controls our fate, why would He want his lovely creatures to struggle in poverty? He loves every soul on earth after all.

I would like to correct this opinion. I believe God gives everyone of us some talents. And the talents we have are the options to make our living. Yet, we can’t just sit there and relax and hope for money to come easily. We need to work our talents out and that’s where the money comes from. God just provides us the ways – our talents, not money – and we need to fight for it.


Fear December 29, 2008

Filed under: thoughts — stef1000 @ 1:26 pm


because you are unhappy

complain here and there

about everything since then

losing the aura in you


dark tones become the melody

in your symphony of life

and your innocence

plays the harmony


follows in a rhythm

making a chaos

seeming cheerfulness

that haunts me down


so, why should I go through the same thing?



-inspired from a recent email-



Filed under: thoughts,wandering — stef1000 @ 12:55 am
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